When it comes to sharing information about dyslexia, the Studying with Dyslexia blog is the place to be. Our mission is to provide the most comprehensive information and showcase products and services that create a sense of community around dyslexia.
The Dyslexia Show is the UK's leading exhibition dedicated to dyslexia and neurodiversity. We are delighted to announce that Studying with Dyslexia is once again a key partner in raising awareness and supporting the growth of this event. Both Studying with Dyslexia and the Dyslexia Show bring together a remarkable lineup of speakers from the fields of education, parenting, the workplace, and individual experiences.
We are committed to setting lasting standards for those within these demographics to get involved, and one of the biggest events of the year is just around the corner. This year, it's even more exciting as the Dyslexia Show will also host the Dyscalculia Show – the first dedicated event for the field of dyscalculia. With dyscalculia research lagging behind dyslexia by over 30 years, this marks a significant milestone in uniting both dyslexia and dyscalculia, along with the wider neurodiverse family.
Mark your calendars for the 15th and 16th of March when these events take place at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham. We would love to see as many of you there as possible.
This partnership we will be sharing lots more content from those exhibiting at dyslexia and dyscalculia show
“As a severely dyslexic adult with over 20 years of experience in the dyslexia field, creating the Dyslexia Show and partnering with Studying with Dyslexia has been an immense pleasure. I understand the daily challenges of dyslexia, empathise with what my parents went through on their journey, and have listened to inspiring stories of the incredible work our organisations and companies are doing. They are not only making a difference but also aspiring to do more, and I know that as dyslexics, the passion and drive to improve ourselves are always present.”
So, come and join me in March at the NEC in Birmingham. I look forward to seeing you there
I'm delighted to let you know that the studying with dyslexia blog will again will be partnering with the dyslexia and dyscalculia show and we'll be sharing updates, News and some amazing content.