Three ways to help a child open up about their dyslexia.
As parents we only want to help our children and sometimes when we are trying to help we may be faced with a barrier to delivering help - our children clamming up!
It’s really hard to help when the one that we one to help won’t tell us about what is bothering them.
Are we as parents doing something wrong?
Of course not, you care deeply for your child, but it’s possible that you are simply not setting the right conditions for your child to open up.
I elaborate more in my video but the key three points are …
Don’t ask them about their dyslexia straight after school.
Make time for you and your child to have fun together and increase the probability of them opening up.
When they open up…Listen and don’t react with tonnes of emotion.
You really need to watch the video below to understand more about this topic.
If you would like to talk more about parenting your child and supporting their dyslexia then why don’t you assess how far you have come and what you need to do next with my free Parenting Dyslexia Diagnostic. Ten questions designed to get you to reflect on the journey so far.
Once completed, book yourself a 15 minute meeting with me to discuss your next steps.
Find out more at