The Studying With Dyslexia Blog

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How can parents improve their child's speech and language skills?

For some children with dyslexia, specific language impairment will be a part of the overall experience of being dyslexic. Whilst every child’s needs are different the resource listed below will give parents some great starting points for developing speech and language skills.

With dyslexia being a condition that affects language it seems odd that when talking about a child with the condition the focus almost always seems to be about written content within a school environment as opposed to their verbal communication skills.

It is not uncommon for parents to utilise the services of a speech and language therapist in supporting the language development of a child with dyslexia as the processing and utilisation of verbal sounds is affected by the condition.

As parents we of course want to encourage speech amongst our children, we want them to be able to articulate what they need as they grow from using baby talk and develop their vocabulary but sometimes there are challenges that need the support that language therapy can help with.

Depending upon how well a child can use and articulate words, as parents we can do a lot to support our young children as they progress into education and start to learn how to communicate with others whilst absorbing teaching. Skills with conversation are important and so I am really pleased to be able to share a resource pack with you that has been developed by St David's College team of SEN specialists in the Cadogan Centre.

The resource will explain practical tips for improving your children's speech for all social environments but especially the school environment.

Scroll down to find out more and download your copy of this resource.

Click to download this resource pack about supporting a child with slow processing.

Speech and Language Skills Resource Pack

Gain key tips for supporting a child with speech and language difficulties in the school environment. This resource pack will give you information on how to develop:

  • Auditory memory

  • Concepts and vocabulary

  • Non-literal language

  • Inference and narratives

Click here to request your copy of the speech and language skills resource pack.

See this content in the original post