The Studying With Dyslexia Blog

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Are you feeling 'good enough' to negotiate dyslexia support for your child?

How do you feel about yourself when you go into a school to negotiate dyslexia support for your child? Anxious? Not sure of yourself?

  • 95% of parents who have dyslexic kids are concerned about their child's future.

  • 74% of those parents experience anxiety when interacting with their child's school about their child's dyslexia.

    If this is your experience then it is possible that how you feel about your own experience of school in the past may be affecting how you interact with your child's school of the present. Poor parental self-esteem will inhibit your ability to negotiate for dyslexia support for your child effectively and affect unlocking their potential.

In the video below I explore this a little more and share why I feel that it is really important to understand how we are feeling and how that affects how we interact with our schools especially when we need to positively influence them in supporting our dyslexic learners.

Did this video resonate with you?

I have developed a way for you to reflect on how far you have come in getting support for your child and to identify the next steps that you can take confidently.

Find out more by clicking the link below: